Today was abnormally weird. I woke up to two emails for login pins for my Microsoft account, which turned out to be from Russia and my morning ended with a 911 call to the cops because some loon having a conversation with himself was knocking on my door and wouldn’t leave.

I always found scammers interesting. Initially, I only encountered them virtually, but now I’m also running into them physically. I call people like this “roaches”. Everytime I pass a drug dealer. Roach. Pass a crackhead, another roach. Forget about reptiles people, you need to worry about the roaches. The people who just do stupid shit, because they were too lazy or uneducated to achieve even the most remedial tasks. Rather than earning a living, they spend more time trying to figure out how they can live off of what others have put the time in to learn and earn. And now, when I check my email … roach. American roaches. Nigerian roaches. Russian roaches. Chinese roaches.

Despite how hard life has gotten, I have never felt I needed to bother others. As I look over the surviellance videos from this loon at my door, I often wonder how he was probably raised by a single mother and how hard she failed him. There’s lot of Black men whose mothers have failed them, but it’s an unpopular opinion, so you won’t hear the Black community squawking about it much. And doubly, you won’t really hear how their own fathers failed them, because how can you blame someone who isn’t there? Abandonment by Black fathers is wild.

You might be thinking how wrong I am to judge the guy assuming he was raised by a single mom, but whether he was raised with both parents or not, both of them failed him equally. In the Black community, there is far too much of it. The lack of discipline and glorifying fuckery shit like money, drugs unprotected, sex, women as objects, guns, jealousy and fragile egos over a proper education and realistic goals is just wild to me. I personally never fell into that trap, thank god, but I see a ton of other Black brothers and sisers who have. Like the guy outside my door, I guess who was so butthurt that I wouldn’t open my door to him, that he couldn’t let it go and kept coming back. Any normal person would have been like “Ok, I am not entitled to someone opening their door to me, especially since I’m a stranger”, but no, he just wouldn’t let it go.

I showed the surveillance video to my boyfriend and he thought the guy had a mental health issue. Initially, I thought he was talking to someone on the phone, but after further investigating the video, we noticed he had no earbuds in his ears, so this dude was just conversating about me not opening the door, to himself. Crazy.

That brings up another issue. Too many in the Black community have mental health issues, and I’m willing to bet if I do the research, most of the cases would be Black men. I’m also willing to bet, that their mental healt issues are due to abuse of drugs and alcohol, and not something naturally occurring like autism or a true learning disability. They’ve fried their brains from some kind of substance abuse and that substance abuse leads to neglecting responsibilities, and that neglecting responsiblities has led to job loss and the inability to maintain finances. And that unable to maintain finances, lead them to homelessness and their substance abuse exacerbates their ability to maintain the bare necessities in life. It’s a vicious cycle and no one cares because in the United States, you have to be self-sufficient and if you’re not self-sufficient, especially if you’re a man, then you deserve all the bad that happens to you. Ain’t nobody got time to worry about anyone else, but at the same time, people like that grow up to be bad actors, so it’s a revolving door of dealing with chaos being the result of bringing up children badly. It’s like a disease.

Most of the white population doesn’t have to worry about being surrounded by weirdos and idiots that do stupid things. Because that’s how crime usually comes about, stupid people doing stupid things. getting caught in a stray bullet. Getting sideswiped by a careless or drunk driver, getting robbed by a broke idiot, getting knockout game punched by a moron.

Lots of people in New York ignore someone who may be getting attacked in the streets, and many don’t want to get involved. But all I see are traumatised people. The real reason they don’t is because they’ve been beaten into submission to just accept it by the scammers and roaches.


Gypsy. Artist. Gamer. Writer. Cello. Techie. Introvert. Realist. Sarcastic troll. 📖 Computer Science major at City University of New York All the things Social Media: 🦋 Bluesky 📸 🎥 Hobbies: ✍🏾 🎨 Gaming 🎮 Discord Battlenet Gör#1270 💼 Entrepreneur 📍NYC 🔗 📅 Joined the Internet September 1997

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