Oh, forgot to mention, I FINALLY got the message board up. I feel like an idiot because all I had to do was delete two folders and give my database a name and I have delayed the last two months just doing that. But I host on Godaddy and strangly enough there was no way to name MySQL database previously but miraculously looks like they updated their web site because the info was on the front page this time. Or maybe because I just created the db, it wasn’t there before. I dunno. It’s working now but don’t post anything because I haven’t yet tested it out. Right now its still generic looking. I haven’t added any skins or changed the default banner or anything so as you can see for now you know I got the script from phpBB.

I guess I should make a credit page on my site for stuff like that. You know, where I got certain scripts and text and shit from. Oh yeah, I’m going to upload some video clips to Pixx too but if I do that, it won’t contain just pics anymore so maybe I should just rename it the Gallery. I wish getting streaming video on my site was free through Media and Realplayer but I don’t think it is. Of course, I will figure it out like always to get it for free. I have 500Mb of space but if I start adding video and the Gallery gets larger, that means I’m going to have to buy more web space. ARGH! I swear paying for every little fuckin thing on the Internet is getting just ridiculous. After a while, $3.95 here, and $8.99 there starts to add up.


Gypsy. Artist. Gamer. Writer. Cello. Techie. Introvert. Realist. Sarcastic troll. 📖 Computer Science major at City University of New York All the things Social Media: 🦋 Bluesky shaunie.bsky.social 📸 instagram.com/shaunienyc 🎥 youtube.com/@shaunienyc Hobbies: ✍🏾 medium.com/@eve.writes 🎨 arwui.tumblr.com Gaming 🎮 twitch.tv/gorlive youtube.com/@gorlivetv twitter.com/gor1270 Discord discord.gg/SS93mxa8ad Battlenet Gör#1270 💼 Entrepreneur 📍NYC 🔗 shaunie.nyc 📅 Joined the Internet September 1997

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